søndag 29. august 2010


Marta and me went to a balkanparty in Evanger, a small village one hour from Bergen. It was rural, exotic, beautiful and FUN!

We had lamb roasted whole on a pole, saw an authenic Balkan Orchestra and danced the night away!

torsdag 12. august 2010


I have finished travelling for the summer, and 'real life' is slowly picking up it's pace.

Holidays were good; I've been to Vienna (twice!), working, and visited my family in Germany. Always good to see them! My sister and me took my grandmother (76yrs) and her sister (88yrs) to see Vienna! The two ladies always wanted to go, but never had the opportunity. So we took a train, we came, we saw, we conquered! It was really nice, and they so much appreciated it.

As autumn is approaching, and a new semester is about to start, here is my plan for the following year; I will finish my degree in psychology (knock on wood), and hopefully we will release my first single in not to long. It's rather slow work, but it needs the time to mature and be proper, not hasty.

Hope you've had a good summer!


PS: Here are some pictures from Vienna