mandag 21. april 2008


So, to give a quick update of my past weeks; nothing spectacular has really been happening, just everyday-life. Which is nice, though, don't get me wrong! Just doesn't seem like anything is very interesting to write about.. However, there are a few golden moments I would like to share:

1: Imitation Party

In Sarphatistraat (where I live) we had an imitation-party. We all got randomly assigned another person which we were to imitate for a night. It was so much fun! (Probably only if you knew the people... Here are some pic's anyway!)

I went as Hector (To see what Héctor really looks like; visit his flickr account: Héctor )
Moflo imitated me (sooo pretty!)

2: Bad-Taste Party

Aiaiai, the same week there was a bad-taste party. We started up getting dressed at Virag's place, and then went to Club 8; the music was quite awful, just like our clothes and you know how minus and minus equals plus; so we had an absolutely crazy time! I let the pictures tell the story...

Tiril and Kevin; the best dressed couple ever
Virag's crazy artistic make-up
Please, do notice my wonderful boots
Anne dressed up in a towel, a shower-cap and socks. We added the tattoo, because without it, she simply wasn't bad-taste

At Club 8

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