fredag 18. desember 2009


It's getting close. Wow. Soon it's Christmas.

I think this is the coldest december I've ever experienced in Bergen. Minus 7 degrees this morning, clearest sky ever and I wore a furry hat and two pairs of mittens. Working today in the café was so joyful! Lot's of great customers and an atmosphere of anticipation.

I'm listening to Janis Joplin, lit some candles and am settling in for a quiet evening. I have to pack... I'm going home, soon it's Christmas.

2 kommentarer:

T sa...

Jeg hadde dilla på "driving home fro christmas" hele veien hjem :P Det var masse sjø og alle ble sjøsyke på båten, men damn det var godt å komme hjem.

Ha en magik jul, fina!

Cathie sa...

Taaaakk!!! Du også :) god juleklem