torsdag 4. februar 2010

How to survive...

Here is how I survive when I have 5 NOK left on my bankaccount and 17,50 NOK in my wallet. In change (1-kroners and 50-cents (øre...)).

I'm really happy that I have a freezer with some food, and a storage of dry stuff that blends together nicely to cereals, bread and so on. I'm happy that I work in a café (Smakverket) where they provide me with coffee and SMILES!! And I'm happy for my friends with whom I can cook, and who can bring some of the unpresent-in-my-fridge-ingredients for a dinner...

PS: The wonderful café where I work, Smakverket, is nominated for an award as the best place to eat in Bergen in 2009! Please click on the link and give them your vote!

2 kommentarer:

T sa...

Jeg er meget spent på dette prosjektet; får du nok vitaminer, mineraler? Snop? :P


Cathie sa...

Jeg har fått stipend! det hjelper også på....