onsdag 14. april 2010

Puerto de Mogán

I've just returned to Bergen from my Easter-holidays! I've been here and there, but the one there I would like to describe this morning is Puerto de Mogán . It's a lovely little village on the south-east coast of Gran Canaria (Yes, I have been chartering!! My sister and me, and all the older people who seek the tranquility and the sun, one week in Gran Canaraia... Hahaha!)

The sky is this blue

This is the port (obviously...)

The landscape is not really beautiful; rocky, red-ish mountains, hardly any vegetation. It feels a bit like being on the moon! Vulcanic island and all, you know... What I find quite fascinating is, however, that they build, practically glue, roads to these mountainsides! And all day long you can hear busses and trailers hooping to warn other cars and motorbikes about their turning the bend... *moop moooop*!!

There are some plants. They grow bananas, for example! And they have a strange bird of paradise flower. This is very exotic to me, since we normally only see them in flowershops here in Norway...

And they have gnomes here as well!!! Made the trip complete...

1 kommentar:

T sa...

Sounds like a wonderful place - and the gnomes look like they've escaped from snowhite.